Et tu, Santa Teresa?!
What does it mean when even the likes of Mother Teresa, now Santa Teresa, are being put in question, and how do the rest of us mere mortals cope with this anxiety?!

France vs. the burkini, or picking the wrong fight!
But there is something that I must admit to. The above argument is a rational one. Emotionally, I really do not want to see burkinis or even veiled women jumping in the water all dressed up when I’m on the beach anywhere, let alone on the beach in France! I really don’t. I admit, and I know this is not at all politically correct but I’ve never been politically correct, that this is an ugly sight to see on the beach. It might be an infringement on their rights to ban it, but it is also in infringement on my aesthetic rights to have to endure it. So what to do?

The experiment of moving to the mountains
And yet there has always been this connection to the mountains, and this fantasy of living there and being in sync. But like all untested fantasies, one always runs the risk of reality not living up to the fantasy.

Where is "Home"??
I have always struggled with the question of "Where is Home?" People have offered various answers along the way, but I have finally developed my own answer, which I will be testing very soon. Here is what I think.

What does a typical boring day for a Hedohumanic look like at the Punctured Container? كيف يقضي الهيدوهيومانكس يومهم؟
If you have wondered what a typical day for a Hedohumanic living at the Punctured Container would be like, here is a likely scenario that includes wild kinky sex.

When should you say "Je suis Baghdad" or "Je suis Paris"? متى يجب ان نتضامن مع باريس او مع بغداد؟
How do we decide when to post a flag on social media in solidarity with a terrorist attack? Here is one way to think about it, and more importantly, suggestions for what small but more effective things can be done to give us a chance at a better future.