Do we really need all the stages of the Path of the Sufi? هل نحتاج فعلا الى كل مراحل الطريق نحو الحقيقة؟
A few years after my enlightening encounter with Sheikh Nazim, I have a second encounter with Sufism - this time a little less mind-opening.

Freeing the Mind - An encounter with a Sufi Master - تحرير الفكر - لقاء مع عالم صوفي
My first up-close encounter with Sufism and the lasting impression it made on freeing my mind from all doctrines.

It is me but it could have been you! !هذا أنا ولكن كان من الممكن أن تكون أنت
An afternoon at the Roumieh prison: A couple of times I caught the eye of one of the performers, a pleasant looking guy in his 20s. He held my gaze for a few seconds each time, in which I felt we were two sides of a random coin flip. “It is me but it could have been you…it is you but it could have been me…after this is over I walking out of here…after this is over I am going back to my cell!”

This is how we will build countries that look more like us! هكذا سوف نبني أوطاناً جديدة تشبهنا أكثر
Are countries as we know them today really our best option? What if we are able to create our own countries and to choose the ones we belong to, not based on geography but based on values?

MENA Reimagined! !اعادة تخيل المنطقة
Some not-so-nice rants about the current state of affairs in the MENA region....and a possible path to curing what ails us!

We do not believe in Tolerance! (Or here's what you need to believe in to be a member of the tribe.) !نحن لا نؤمن بالتسامح
If you are a Hedohumanic you have certain characteristics and values you believe in. Do you find that this list of values applies to you?