We do not believe in Tolerance! (Or here’s what you need to believe in to be a member of the tribe.)
نحن لا نؤمن بالتسامح… أو هذه هي المبادئ التي يجب أن تؤمن بها لتكون عضوا في القبيلة
I want to list what I think Hedohumanics believe in. But I do not think this is an exhaustive list, and I would ask you to please list in the comments below anything you think we should add to it. But yes, I do not think tolerance is a Hedohumanic value, and I will try to explain why below.
These are in no particular order:
- Open and free sexual relationships.
- Free use of drugs.
- The right to steal from your business partner as long as you don’t get caught.
Oops…sorry, I was writing this for my other blog Let’ start again:
- A mature, slightly dark, witty sense of humor! If reading the above offended or shocked you or made you uncomfortable in any way, then we might have a small problem.
- Respect for human rights, all of them. If you do not know what those are officially, here is a link. Along with that, a genuine concern for fairness and justice, for responsible freedom, even if you can’t do much about things; in other words, you’re not oblivious, even if you’re sometimes powerless.
- A genuine sense of wonder at the world. You have not become blasé. You are able to see the beauty even in simple but special moments, whether they are a result of a special human connection or a moment in nature.
- Curiosity about other cultures and how they live and what they think. You don’t have to walk barefoot in the streets of Varanasi, but when you travel you are at least a little curious about meeting the people, not just seeing the shops. You value experiences more than things.
- A passion to enjoy the pleasures of life to any extent, no matter what extent, and no matter what others might think- as long as no other person, animal, or the environment is harmed. If you enjoy hunting lions in the wild in Africa, you most probably do not qualify.
- If you are a religious person, you have a conviction that while your religion will lead you to wherever you want to go, everyone else’s religion will also do the same for them…there are many paths to salvation!
- A deep sense that any other person of any social class, religion, or ethnicity is equally valuable as a human being as you are, and that any advantage you have over them (better education, more beauty, more money, etc.) is more than likely a matter of serendipity, good luck, better circumstances, destiny, karma, or whatever other explanation you might want to believe in. Your own contribution to the matter is barely worth noting.
- You have secrets and you’re OK with that. Your best friends have secrets and you’re OK with that too. We can share, but it’s also OK not to. We all have personal stories.
- You enjoy occasionally “deep” conversations and meaningful human interactions with your friends. It is OK to deviate from superficiality sometimes
- You do not believe in tolerance for two reasons: first, tolerance has this implied connotation of superiority, that we believe we are better but we “tolerate the other” because of how good we are. If you believe in 2, 6, and 7 above, you do not need to be tolerant. And second, tolerance when pushed out to its limits out of political correctness, can actually be detrimental….no, we are not tolerant of bigots, of fanatics, or majorities who want to impose their ways on minorities just because they can.
I wanted to add to the list “you have some sense of spirituality or a belief, even if very vague, about some sort of higher order or infinite intelligence or so on. (You can call this your religion too assuming you practice your religion at a deeper level than its superficial rituals). However, I am reluctant to add this, as I know many atheists who do not believe in any spirituality who in fact would make perfect Hedohumanics, given how much concern they have for others and for the planet, and how much good they try to do, and how much passion they have for life…I would really like your opinion on this too.
Do you agree? What can be added to the list?
hi Paty Was very nice to meet you yesterday, and thanks for signing up!
Can’t wait to learn more about the tribal rites! Count me in.
hello hello Yes, “a day in the life of the actual tribe” post coming up soon Very happy to have you on board Connie.
I definitely wanna be a part of this tribe…. the values of such free innovative minds are beyond imagination
Welcome to the tribe then
Awesome! Am excited
Well done hbb! Really impressive
I like the way you blog Zee Count me in !
Thank you hub! That’s an endorsement I’m very happy with
an awesome list my friend!!! may the tribe grow… xoxo
I hope so xxx